There are Cracks in the DC Movie Structure


Newsarama Makes some great points about the slate of movies that DC has going forward.  In order for the DCU to share a universe there have to be threads that go through each movie. There are notes that have to be hit for the sequence to make sense. Somebody has to know all of the history of the characters well and the direction that they want to take them in.

For Marvel that guy is Kevin Feige. He makes sure they are on the same path so that a Team up movie like Inifinity Gauntlet or Civil War fits in. That is no small feat. Marvel has the plan laid out all the way into the 2020’s and that’s just publicly. there’s probably a whiteboard with rough 2030’s plans.

I understand DC is doing something different by allowing the TV series to operatate in different Universes [PLURAL]. But for the movie universe somebody needs to steer the ship. If they don’t hire someone to that helm soon the movies will lack cohesion. We know DC properties can stand alone but the shared universe takes planning.


Word of the Day: Dalliance

In an article about Will Smith Daily Mail Refers to the  characters:

Deadshot - Suicide Squad

Will Smith As Deadshot by Bosslogix

In the comic book history of the character, Deadshot has a dalliance with Harley Quinn so fans of the star’s current film, Focus, will get to see the chemistry between him and Margot Robbie as she steps in as Harley.

I’m always up for learning a new word so I looked it up. A quick google search pulled up this:
