No Xboxes


It comes to the time in every boys life when they want the finer things. And by finer things I mean whatever is the newest game console. 

Of course I heard about it when the XBox one first released, but not a lot. We already have in our home multiple tablets, a laptop and a WiiU. Plenty of entertainment. That’s not how they see it.

You would assume they would be interested in the Xbox because its new and shiny. It has the kinect and can respond to voice commands and blah , blah , blah. They care about none of that. I asked them why they want an Xbox one all of a sudden. The answer was summed up in only one word and you know what that one word is… MINECRAFT.


They absolutely love this game and every single variation of it. Its essentially an unlimited lego set game. If I would let them they would play on this game all day. Currently they only play the app version for Android. Its funny they can go from playing minecraft straight to creating with legos. It got me to thinking that this minecraft game could be spawning a whole generation of engineers and architects that started their development in minecraft.

I tried to explain the reasoning behind why we wouldn’t make this purchase but I know all they heard was :





Do your kids play Xbox or Minecraft or both? tell me about it in the comments below or tweet me @SoularPowered


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