If you are not currently a resident of Alaska then the number of 1884 probably makes you think of history in some way. On October, 2, 2014 1884 is an important number.  Its the amount that is being direct deposited into Alaskans banking accounts. 

This years 1884 is the not the highest in history but its the largest one we have had in some years. Why does it vary?  The Calculation is determined by the net income of the current plus the four previous years, minus operational costs and divided by eligible applicants.

Once the direct deposit is made the dilemna begins. To save or to splurge. How should I spend thee, let me count the ways.

  1. Electronics – Cameras, TV’s , Video Gam consoles, Cell phones, and you name it.
  2. Vehicles – down payments start being accepted months before the deposit actually happens. The car dealers have that promisary note all ready for your signatures.
  3. Vacation – We love to travel in the winter. Alaska Airlines always has some sort of deal for the full price of your PFD
  4. ETC.


How would you spend your Dividend? Comment below or Tweet me @Soularpowered



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